Hector: Warrior of Troy

The Iliad is an ancient Greek epic poem written by Homer depicting a part of the battle between the Greeks and the Trojans. It is in book six where the character Hector is first introduced and we get to know who he is and what he believes in. On the most simple of levels he … Continue reading Hector: Warrior of Troy

William the Silent, Prince of Orange

Born in 1533 in the Holy Roman Empire; modern-day Germany, to the house of Nassau. He had four younger brothers and seven younger sisters, making him the oldest of twelve. His siblings' names were John, Hermanna, Louis, Mary, Anna, Elisabeth, Katharine, Juliane, Magdalene, Adolf, and Henry. He was raised Lutheran and when his cousin died in 1544, William inherited … Continue reading William the Silent, Prince of Orange

The Church Fathers

The title of "church father" is given to several highly influential men that developed the church in the years after the bible cannon had finished. There were four church fathers picked by the Eastern church and four by the Western. Eastern Church FathersBasilAthanasiusGregory of NazangusJohn ChrysostomWestern Church FathersSaint AmbroseSaint JeromeSaint AugustinePope Gregory the Great These … Continue reading The Church Fathers